Cyber Fitness coaches can now validate actions

Good News for Businesses: Independently Validated Security Assessments!

We're excited to announce some updates to our Cynch Cyber Fitness Platform that improve the accuracy and credibility of your security assessments. This is especially important for larger organisations that need more rigorous evaluation.

What's new?

  • Validated Actions: Many of our actions now align with the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) assessment guidance, meaning they've been tested through reliable methods like automated scans or external audits.

  • Coach Verification: For businesses that are not ready for external audits, or controls that can’t be validated automatically, our Cyber Fitness coaches can now verify completed actions, providing an initial level of validation.

  • Benefits for all: These updates are available to all active Cynch members.

Why is this important?

Accurate assessments are key to understanding your true security posture and identifying areas for improvement. Simple "yes/no" answers often don't provide enough detail. These updates ensure your assessments are more reliable and meaningful, helping you:

  • Meet compliance requirements with confidence.

  • Demonstrate effective security practices to stakeholders.

  • Better prioritise security investments based on accurate data.

Ready to get started?

Sign-up today for your free 14-day trial and try the system out for yourself! 

Susie Jones