NDS & Cynch Security

Exclusive discounts for small business NDS members who need to get their business cyber fit*! (USE CODE ‘NDS’)

Tailored Cyber Boot Camp is FREE, Cynch support is available for just $449 +GST using code NDS when signing up

*Cyber Fitness is a way to build cyber security into your business in smaller, incremental steps.


First time with cyber security?

Our supported cyber bootcamps are designed to answer your questions and get you going.

Know you have security gaps?

Our monthly and annual memberships give you what you need to improve security at your own pace.

Concerned with your suppliers?

Cynch can help larger businesses to see their supply chain cyber risks and improve it over time.

Have another cyber concern?

Cynch offers bespoke cyber security consulting solutions for small businesses who need it.


NDS members get 10% off all Cynch services with the code ‘NDS’!

Email hello@cynch.com.au to your options if you’re still not sure what’s right for you.