Give your remote team a Cyber Fitness checkup

Access tailored advice, instructions and policy templates to keep your business secure with our online Cyber Fitness Program.

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Download our free Cyber Fitness at home checklist

Cybercriminals are shifting their attention from offices to people’s homes in an attempt to get into businesses big and small.

Everyone needs to play a role so that we can all stay in business and staying cyber fit at home has never been more important.

Download our free Cyber Fitness at Home checklist and share it with your team to help them keep your business protected wherever they’re working.

Free Cyber Fitness at home checklist
small business cyber security advice

8 weeks of expert advice for your small business

Small businesses right across Australia have had to make all sorts of tough decisions in recent months. To help your business stay secure as your technology environment changes around you, we developed our COVID-19 Cyber Fitness Program.

Over 8 weeks we'll guide you through the cyber risks specifically affecting your business right now. Along the way you’ll have access to our tailored advice, plain-language instructions, tools, sample policy templates and much more.

Online and at your own pace for just $299.00 ex gst.


Everything you need to build a Cyber Fit business


Clarify the risk

Start with a fitness check and focus on the stuff that really matters to your business.

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Invest in the right places

Get the best bang for buck from your valuable time and money.

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Prove it

We keep track of everything so you can show you’re doing everything possible.

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